Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Sociological, economic, and biological aspects of the deer hunting activity in Grant County, Oregon

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  • The specific objectives of the study were to determine the sociological and economic considerations of the private landowners and managers in Grant County, Oregon regarding their tolerances of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus)and deer hunters on their properties, determine the attitudes of hunters who hunted deer in Grant County in 1973 and compare expectations and desires of hunters and landowners, identify the impact of temperature and snow level trends and hunting regulations on the deer population of the Northside Game Management Unit, and evaluate alternative management schemes regarding deer hunting and the effects of deer hunting activity on the economy. Grant County would have greater potential for an increase in the deer hunting activity if the density of hunters were controlled on public lands and if more private land becomes available for public hunting, Grant County would benefit economically from an increase in deer hunting activity because of increased expenditures by hunters. Private landowners are hesitant to permit public hunting because of damages caused by hunters on their properties. Landowners have also experienced economic losses because of damages caused by deer. Increased access to private land can not be expected unless private landowners are provided incentives to permit public hunting which will compensate for the economic losses resulting from deer and deer hunters on their properties. The Oregon Wildlife Commission appears most influenced by the estimate of trend in the deer population (measured in deer per mile) when determining the number of antlerless deer permits to issue for the hunting season. Change in snow depth for the previous 2 years may have a negative effect on the change in deer per mile from the previous year. The harvesting of antlerless deer may have a positive effect on the trend in the deer population. Inclusion of data on snow and antlerless harvest in the decision process may provide a better measure of the trend in size of the deer population than using only one estimate of population trend. The potential of the deer population to sustain an increased harvest was not determined. The Bayesian decision theory is suggested for use in the decision process of establishing hunting regulations and providing a better measure of whether the deer population could sustain an increased harvest.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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