Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Microlamination based on surface mount technology for the economical production of microchannel arrays

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  • Micro Energy and Chemical Systems (MIECS) are multi-scale microsystems, which rely on embedded nano and micro-scale features to process bulk amounts of fluid in applications ranging from man-portable heat pumps, distributed fuel reforming and insitu waste remediation. Microlamination is a well-known process architecture for fabricating the highly parallel, high aspect ratio microcharinel arrays needed within these devices. While the promise of MECS technology is exciting, the propagation of MECS technology is greatly dependent upon economical fabrication. The purpose of this thesis is to determine the feasibility of using current surface mount technology (SMT) electronics assembly platforms to produce microchannel arrays. Success was measured by the production of leak-proof, high-aspect-ratio microchannels with uniform channel height. Experimental results show that fabrication of high-aspect-ratio microchannels is indeed possible. An aspect ratio of 42:1 was obtained in this study. The use of low bonding temperatures (under 300°C) and pressures results in well aligned, parallel channels with low levels of warpage. Channel height variation within these microchannel arrays was measured to be less than ±1.2% of the overall mean channel height of 270.9 pm. Also, it was found that the device can tolerate an air pressure of at least 1.72 bar (25 psi) without leakage. Future efforts need to emphasize the development of theoretical process models and implementation with material systems having better mechanical and chemical properties.
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Peer Reviewed
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 24-bit Color) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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