Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effect of nitrogen rates, row spacings and population densities on yield and ear characteristics of sweet corn

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  • The response of sweet corn Zea mays L. var. rugosa (cultivar 'Jubilee') to row spacing, nitrogen and population density at two planting dates was studied in a field experiment at the OSU Vegetable Research Farm in 1984. Variables included two row spacings, 75 cm and 90 cm, three nitrogen rates, 150, 200, 250 kg/ha, and seven plant population densities, 49,400; 55,575; 61,750; 67,925; 74,100; 80,275 and 86,450 plants/ha. Population density showed a greater effect on yield (unhusked total and husked good), number of ears/plant, stalk diameter, ear weight, ear length, usable ear length, ear diameter and tipfilling of ears than did nitrogen rates and row spacing. Effects of row spacings and nitrogen rates were generally not significant. Total unhusked yield and yield of husked good ears increased 16 to 20% for the early planting and 22 to 24% for the late planting as plant density increased from 49,400 to 86,450 plants/ha. Ear weight of the first ear decreased 10% in the early planting and about 15% in the late planting as plant density increased from the lowest to the highest. Although characteristics of second ears were affected by plant population density, their contribution was only 3-16% of the total yield. Longer ears and higher ear weights were associated with the lower plant densities. Stalk diameter was reduced, plants were taller, and average number of ears per plant was reduced at higher densities. No significant interactions between the variables studied in the experiment were observed on any of yield or plant and ear characteristics measured.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 256 Grayscale) using Scamax Scan+ V. on a Scanmax 412CD by InoTec in PDF format. LuraDocument PDF Compressor V. used for pdf compression and textual OCR.

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