Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Early macronutrient uptake and partitioning in Glycine max L. Merr

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  • Soybeans were grown in hydroponic solutions and in perlite to devise procedures to measure plant mineral accumulation and solution depletion over time. Electron emission spectrometry and micro-Kjeldahl-autoanalyzer analytic techniques were used to monitor mineral content of individual plants and their corresponding solutions. An automated computer assisted system of converting raw data on either plant tissue or hydroponic solutions into amounts of uptake for individual macronutrients was devised. Uptake calculated from depletion measurements was similar to uptake determined from plant mineral accumulation during the uptake periods that were evaluated. Both analytic procedures are sensitive enough to measure small increments in mineral uptake. MES buffer (2-N morpholinoethanesulphonic acid) at 5 mM adequately maintained pH in 50 ml volumes of aerated solutions used for nutrient uptake experiments. MES at 1.5 mM was ineffective. At 5 mM, MES did not affect growth or uptake of most macronutrients. Potassium uptake, however, was enhanced by the MES buffer in non-nodulated seedlings. When seedlings are grown in the absence of fixed nitrogen, nodulation causes seedlings to proportion more of the seed nitrogen reserve to the roots. Smaller nodulated root systems initially result in lower mineral uptake and less plant biomass production. Eventually, nodulated plants reach a similar size to their non-nodulated counterparts, but they do not show a growth advantage until nitrogen fixation has been active for some time. Even though total absolute amounts of nitrogen in the nodulated plants are higher than those in non-nodulated seedlings, the nitrogen increase is not reflected immediately in increased growth.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Scamax Scan+ V. on a Scanmax 412CD by InoTec in PDF format. LuraDocument PDF Compressor V. used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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