
A Modeling Study of Coastal-Trapped Wave Propagation in the Gulf of California. Part II: Response to Idealized Forcing

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  • The propagation of incident coastal-trapped waves in the Gulf of California is investigated using a hydrostatic primitive equation model. The behavior of idealized incident wave disturbances with different amplitudes and time scales is examined. The incident wave disturbances propagate northward up-gulf along the east side with no significant change. At the sill, which is 600 km north of the entrance, the wave splits and most of the energy is steered to the west side where it propagates southward down-gulf with decreased amplitude (50%). A small fraction (10%–20%) of the incident energy enters the north where it is dissipated. Sea level at the entrance of the gulf is well correlated with sea level everywhere inside the gulf. In contrast, correlations of depth-averaged velocity between Topolobampo (close to the entrance of the gulf ) and locations around the gulf decrease along the propagation path of the wave. Most of the dissipation of wave energy in the gulf takes place through bottom friction in the vicinity of the sill. Incident waves with large, but realistic, sea level displacement magnitudes exhibit nonlinear properties. Phase speeds increase as the sea level displacements of the incident waves increase from 230 to 130 cm. Waves of sea level elevation steepen. On the east side, large-amplitude elevation waves produce a down-gulf current adjacent to the coast such that the up-gulf currents associated with the wave separate from the coast. The separation process seems to be connected with subsequent downslope propagation of energy. Energetic anticyclonic eddies with spatial scales of 50–80 km can be generated by long-time-scale or largeamplitude elevation waves.
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Fecha Disponible
Fecha de Emisión
  • MartÍnez, J. A., J. S. Allen, 2004: A Modeling Study of Coastal-Trapped Wave Propagation in the Gulf of California. Part II: Response to Idealized Forcing. Journal of Physical Oceanogrraphy, 34, 1332–1349.
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 34
Journal Issue/Number
  • 6
Declaración de derechos
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Coastal Dynamics Program through Grants N00014-93-1-1301 and N00014-02-1-0100. In addition, JAM was partially supported by a Fulbright-LASPAU scholarship and by the Facultad de Ciencias Marinas UABC. The use of computational resources (CM500e) provided by the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences and facilitated by NASA Grant NAG5-11125 (to M. Abbott) and by ONR Grant N00014-99-1-0040 and NSF Grant OCE-952095b (both to A. Bennett) was indispensable for the completion of this research and is gratefully acknowledged.
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