
The Efficiency of Mixing in Turbulent Patches: Inferences from Direct Simulations and Microstructure Observations

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  • The time evolution of mixing in turbulent overturns is investigated using a combination of direct numerical simulations (DNS) and microstructure profiles obtained during two field experiments. The focus is on the flux coefficient Γ, the ratio of the turbulent buoyancy flux to the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate ϵ. In observational oceanography, a constant value Γ = 0.2 is often used to infer the buoyancy flux and the turbulent diffusivity from measured ϵ. In the simulations, the value of Γ changes by more than an order of magnitude over the life of a turbulent overturn, suggesting that the use of a constant value for Γ is an oversimplification. To account for the time dependence of Γ in the interpretation of ocean turbulence data, a way to assess the evolutionary stage at which a given turbulent event was sampled is required. The ratio of the Ozmidov scale L[subscript]O to the Thorpe scale L[subscript]T is found to increase monotonically with time in the simulated flows, and therefore may provide the needed time indicator. From the DNS results, a simple parameterization of Γ in terms of L[subscript]O/L[subscript]T is found. Applied to observational data, this parameterization leads to a 50%–60% increase in median estimates of turbulent diffusivity, suggesting a potential reassessment of turbulent diffusivity in weakly and intermittently turbulent regimes such as the ocean interior.
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Date Issued
  • Smyth, W. D., J. N. Moum, D. R. Caldwell, 2001: The Efficiency of Mixing in Turbulent Patches: Inferences from Direct Simulations and Microstructure Observations. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31, 1969–1992.
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 31
Journal Issue/Number
  • 8
Academic Affiliation
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • The research was funded by the National Science Foundation under Grants OCE9521359 and OCE9711872.
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