Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A theory of product design process measurement

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  • This dissertation approaches the problem of how to design process measurements by identifying process attributes which are common to all product development processes. By classifying the generic attributes of a product development process and their relationships, a framework is established which gives definition and context to individual measurements. At the heart of this classification scheme is a bifurcation of attributes into either internal or external classes. This classification system clearly distinguishes between measurements that define the behavior a process must attain, from measurements that quantify the internal details of process implementation. This distinction borrows on concepts from object modeling. The utility of this classification scheme includes a clear understanding of the relationships which exists between process measurements and their effects on a human based process. The relationship between processes is considered and classified to understand how process measurements affect these relationships and how they can be used to improve the relationships between processes. Guidelines for the design and application of process measurements for process management are developed. To provide a practical tool for engineers and managers in the field, the process measurement theory developed in this dissertation is used as the basis for a process measurement methodology. This methodology borrows from Quality Function Deployment techniques and can be used on its own or in conjunction with Quality Function Deployment methodologies. The process measurement methodology leads the manager through a seven step process to create a complete and coherent suite of process measurements which are tailored to a particular process. A primary focus of the methodology is to align process implementation with the process behavior that is specified by the process's customer and ultimately by the enterprise level goals of the organization. An illustrative example of the process measurement methodology is included to demonstrate its utility and provide a measure of verification. The example is based on a published design process example of the Quality Function Deployment methodology.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 8-bit Grayscale) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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