Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Low molecular weight organic acids in forest soils

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  • Two studies concerning low molecular weight organic acids in soils were conducted. In the first study, anion exclusion chromatography was used to separate and identify 12 common organic acids, and the accuracy, precision and detection limits of the method were determined. The method was found to be sensitive and accurate to between 1.5 and 9 μM, depending on the acid in question. The stability of the selected acids was examined, and the large concentration changes observed underscore the importance of timely analysis of soil solutions. No significant interferences were encountered in the analysis of two soil solutions. In the second study, the reaction of a forest soil with oxalic acid at four concentrations was monitored for a period of 96 hours. A large release of aluminum, sulfate, and phosphate was observed, with the greatest release occurring with the highest concentration of added oxalate. Solution aluminum increased by up to a factor of twenty, and though [Al³⁺] values were consistent with control by thermodynamic equilibrium with an amorphous aluminum oxide phase, exchangeable Al appeared to be the source of the increase. Sulfate increased abruptly at the start of the reaction and continued to rise, though more slowly, throughout the study. Solution phosphate was increased by up to four times and was maintained at the elevated level throughout the study. Changes in both sulfate and phosphate concentrations were attributed directly to exchange with oxalate. The persistence of elevated phosphate concentrations after 96 hours indicates that the effects of oxalate production by mycorrhizae could have lasting effects on the nutrient status of a soil.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9050C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.

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