Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Narrative reflecting team supervision : a literature review and quantitative examination of narrative reflecting team supervisions' impact on self-efficacy of counselors in training

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  • The purpose of this study was to determine the impact a narrative reflecting team experience has on counselor self-efficacy. Through a quasi-experimental design, the use of a narrative reflecting team supervision model was compared to supervision as usual with graduate counseling students (N=12). The Counselor Self-Estimate Inventory (COSE) was chosen to assess self-efficacy pre and post 8 weeks of a reflecting team intervention and supervision as usual. Results from a Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test indicate that an 8 week, 11/2 hour, narrative reflecting team experience did not elicit a significant change in counselor self-efficacy over supervision as usual. Counselor self-efficacy is an important concept to explore and emphasize as the field of counseling works to improve educational and supervision practices with developing counselors. The use of narrative techniques in a reflecting team supervision model, offers an alternative approach to supervision- an approach, which is a collaborative, empowering, and a re-storying experience for counselors in training. The research questions hierarchical, power and fear laden supervision models that negatively impact the efficacy of counselors in training. It further emphasizes a need to develop new practices, which support self-efficacy in new trainees, as their level of efficacy will impact how they will be with clients in the future. Results and suggestions for future research and practice are discussed.
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Peer Reviewed



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