Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Optimization and control of cable deployment systems

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  • An optimization methodology, algorithms, and computer program for cable/lumped-body deployment system are developed for the design and installation of sonar packages in deep ocean ranges. In addition, a methodology and algorithms for the control of the system are proposed. A penalty function is developed in terms of the system parameters and the dynamic constraints are set up for the optimization of cable/lumped-body deployment system. Deployment procedures and segmentations characterized by their initial and terminal condition are proposed. Alternating Direction (ADM) and Modified Alternating Direction (MADM) methods are employed for the optimum search. The optimization algorithms are then implemented on a desk-top computer. The objective of the search is to achieve the optimum vessel speed and cable pay-out rate that result in the minimum penalty value. Numerical examples are presented to test the robustness of the algorithm (ADM) and the compute program capabilities. The results are compared to those of the MADM method and the entire space search. During actual installation, it is anticipated that randomness in the excitation will cause sonar packages to miss the exact target locations. Thus a continuous correction in the controllable parameters is necessary. Three alternative types of control algorithms are presented for these reasons.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9050C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.

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