
Concurrency of coherent structures and conditionally sampled daytime sub-canopy respiration

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  • We investigated an alternative means for quantifying daytime ecosystem respiration from eddy-covariance data in three forests with different canopy architecture. Our hypothesis was that the turbulent transport by coherent structures is the main pathway for carrying detectable sub-canopy respiration signals through the canopy. The study extends previously published work by incorporating state-of-the-art wavelet decomposition techniques for the detection of coherent structures. Further, we investigated spatial and temporal variability of the respiration signal and coherent exchange at multiple heights, for three mature forest sites with varying canopy and terrain properties for one summer month. A connection between the coherent structures and identified sub-canopy respiration signal was clearly determined. Although not always visible in signals collected above the canopy, certain cases showed a clear link between conditionally sampled respiration events and coherent structures. The dominant time scales of the coherent structure ejection phase (20–30 s), relative timing of maximum coincidence between respiration events and the coherent structure ejection phase (at approximately −10 s from detection) and vertical transport upward through the canopy were shown to be consistent in time, across measurement heights and across the different forest sites. Best results were observed for an open canopy pine site. We conclude that the presented method is likely to be applicable at more open rather than dense (closed) canopies. The results provided a confirmation of the connection between below- and above-canopy scalar time series, and may help the development or refinement of direct methods for the determination of component fluxes from observations above the canopy.
  • Keywords: Flux partitioning, Conditional sampling, Wavelet decomposition, Eddy covariance
Resource Type
Fecha Disponible
Fecha de Emisión
  • Matthias J Zeeman, Werner Eugster, & Christoph K Thomas. (2013). Concurrency of coherent structures and conditionally sampled daytime sub-canopy respiration. Boundary Layer Meteorology, 146(1), 1. doi: 10.1007/s10546-012-9745-2
Journal Title
Journal Volume
  • 146
Journal Issue/Number
  • 1
Declaración de derechos
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • This work received financial support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (Prospective Researcher fellowship PBEZP2-127819 to MJZ), the Office of Science (BER) U.S. Department of Energy (contract DE-FG02-06ER64318), and the U.S. National Science Foundation (award AGS 0955444).
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