Conference Proceedings Or Journal

The Value Chain for Philippine Tuna Commodity: Recent Developments and Future Directions

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  • This paper attempts to determine and analyze the factors affecting the value chain of tuna commodity in the Philippines. It also identifies the key players in the industry, and their roles and contributions in the value chain. The paper will utilize both primary and secondary data in the analysis. Secondary sources of data are mainly from the government institutions and private companies. Primary data consists of information obtained from personal interviews and observations covering the period 1999 and 2007. Four tuna canneries, out of six canneries, operating in the Philippines including other companies engaged in tuna and tuna-related businesses were interviewed. The products involved in the study comprised of fresh, frozen tuna and processed tuna products aimed at the export and domestic markets. Most of these products used primarily Yellowfin and Skipjack, which were caught in the Philippines and in the neighboring Southwest Pacific waters. An integrated framework that describes the commodity flow, process, and requirements in every phase of the value chain will be presented. Recent developments and future directions shall also be discussed given the economic, institutional, and environmental concerns faced by the tuna stakeholders. Cost efficiency, steady supply and global competitiveness are the major issues, among others, that need to be addressed to ensure the sustainability of the industry.
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  • Yamashita, Haruko and Evelyn Belleza. 2008. The Value Chain for Philippine Tuna Commodity: Recent Developments and Future Directions. 7 pages. In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, July 22-25, 2008, Nha Trang, Vietnam: Achieving a Sustainable Future: Managing Aquaculture, Fishing, Trade and Development. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2008.
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  • US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Division, The Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada; Aquaculture CRSP and AquaFish CRSP; Minh Phu Seafood Corporation; Vietnam Datacommunication Company (VDC); Camau Frozen Seafood Processing Import Export Corporation (Camimex); Long Sinh Limited Company; Mai Linh Group and Nam Viet Corporation.
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