Conference Proceedings Or Journal

Current Worldwide Contribution of Marine Fish to Human Welfare

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  • Some attempts have been made in the past to provide estimates of the value of global fisheries. For example, catch values from marine fisheries have been reported by the FAO (2008) and Sumaila et al. (2007). The World Bank (2008) estimated that current economic rent from the worlds fisheries is negative $5 billion, and that if managed optimally, marine fisheries are capable of delivering economic rents of $50 billion a year. Here, we provide a more comprehensive estimate of the contribution of marine fish to human welfare, which is defined narrowly to mean the sum of worldwide (i) income to workers in the marine fishing sector; (ii) profits to fishing enterprises; and (iii) resource rent to citizens of the world, who, according to national and international laws and rules, are the owners of marine fish stocks. This definition means that our estimate of the contribution of marine fisheries to human welfare is conservative since it does not include all values. For example, the added value through the fish chain and non-market values are not counted. Still, our approach is a step forward towards determining more comprehensive estimates of the contribution of marine fisheries to human welfare. To carry out the objective of the paper, we relied on a diverse range of global fisheries databases created by the Sea Around Us ( and the Fisheries Economics Research Unit ( These include a global (i) catch database (Watson et al. 2005?); (ii) ex-vessel fish price database (Sumaila et al. 2007); (iii) subsidies database (Sumaila and Pauly, 2006); (iv) cost of fishing database (Lam et al., 2010); and (v) fisheries jobs database (Teh and Sumaila 2010).
  • Keywords: Fisheries Economics, Fishery Management, Global Fisheries Contribution to National Economies: Management and Policy Options for Rebuilding
  • Keywords: Fisheries Economics, Fishery Management, Global Fisheries Contribution to National Economies: Management and Policy Options for Rebuilding
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Fecha Disponible
Fecha de Emisión
  • Sumaila, Rashid. 2010. Current Worldwide Contribution of Marine Fish to Human Welfare. In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, July 13-16, 2010, Montpellier, France: Economics of Fish Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems: Balancing Uses, Balancing Costs. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2010.
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Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Division, Agence Française de Développement, Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, Ministère de L’Alimentation de L’Agriculture et de la Pêche, Ministère de l’Énergie, du Développement Durable et de la Mer, La Région Languedoc Rouslilon, Département Hérault, Montpellier Agglomèration, The Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, and AquaFish Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP).
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