Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The effect of Crafted with Pride in the USA cues on evaluations of sweaters made in the USA a developed country, and a developing country

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  • The present study examined the influence of Crafted With Pride in the USA stimuli and country of origin on consumers' attitudes toward and evaluations of clothing. The sample consisted of 112 female college students enrolled in one of three courses in the College of Home Economics, Spring term, 1988. A two-by-four complete factorial between subjects experimental design was employed. The independent variables consisted of two levels of exposure to Crafted With Pride in the USA stimuli (exposure and non-exposure) and four levels of country of origin labels (made in the USA, made in a developing country, made in a developed country and no identifying label). Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the eight experimental cells. Dependent measures consisted of subjects' evaluations of a stimulus item on twenty-five evaluative criteria using a seven-point unipolar semantic differential scale, a measure of the price subjects expected to pay for the stimulus item and the perception of the price as expensive, inexpensive or neither expensive or inexpensive. The 25 items on the evaluative measure were factor analyzed. The resulting six factors included "status/prestige," "fashionability," "objective product criteria," "subjective product criteria," "color," and "media promotion." Findings of the study indicate that there was no significant difference between the prices subjects indicated they would expect to pay for the stimulus item based on exposure/non-exposure to Crafted With Pride cues. In addition, there was no significant difference in the prices subjects indicated they would expect to pay for the stimulus item based on its country of origin. Findings also revealed that there were no significant differences among subjects' ratings of the stimulus item on the six evaluative criteria factors for the exposure to Crafted With Pride in the USA cues variable or for the country of origin variable. Additional findings indicated that there was an interaction between the exposure to Crafted with Pride cues and country of origin variable for the objective product criteria. The mean scores for the treatment made in the USA/not exposed to Crafted With Pride in the USA cues were significantly higher than the scores for the treatment made in the USA/exposed to Crafted With Pride cues. The mean scores for the treatment made in the USA/not exposed to Crafted With Pride cues were significantly higher than for the treatment made in Italy/not exposed to Crafted With Pride cues. In addition, the mean scores for the treatment made in Italy/exposed to Crafted With Pride cues were significantly higher than the scores for the treatment made in Italy/ not exposed to Crafted With Pride cues. In conclusion, neither exposure to Crafted With Pride in the USA cues nor country of origin had an effect on subjects' ratings of the stimulus item on the evaluative factors or on the price subjects expected to pay for the stimulus item. However, country of origin and exposure to Crafted With Pride in the USA cues interacted to affect ratings of the stimulus item for the objective product criteria factor which included items closely related to the quality and value aspects of the Crafted With Pride in the USA advertising campaign.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.

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