Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Validity of preschool language intervention programs

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  • The purpose of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of using an early childhood language intervention program with children who had been determined to be language delayed at the ages of 3, 4 and 5 and to determine how the early childhood langauge intervention program was associated with changes in language, specifically in the areas of syntax and morphology at the primary grade level K- 3 (ages 5-9). A comparison of 57 children, both male and female, in the primary grades of two separate but comparable school districts who were receiving langauge therapy from state licensed speech and language pathologists was made. One school district provided early language intervention programs at the preschool level. The standardized test instrument, "Oral Language Sentence Imitation Screening Test" (OLSIST) by Azchman, Huisingn, Joregnsen and Barrett (1978) was administered to the children in the sample. A survey of sociological demographic variables was also analyzed. Four hypotheses were formulated which compared differences in mean scores of morphology and syntax development between children who did receive early childhood language intervention and those who did not. Also compared were pretest, post-test scores for those children who did receive early childhood language intervention. The analysis of the data revealed that there was statistically sound significant difference (.05) between those children who did receive early childhood language intervention and those children who did not with respect to syntactical development. Statistically sound significant differences (.05) were also found in the comparison of the pre and post test scores for both syntax and morphology for the children who had received early childhood language intervention. No significant differences were found between the mean test scores for morphology between those children who did receive early childhood language intervention and those children who did not.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9050C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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