Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Calcium sulfate scaling under boiling conditions

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  • A bench-scale thermosiphon reboiler system was constructed end used to investigate the scaling behavior of aqueous calcium sulfate under flow boiling conditions. Scaling data were collected at constant heat flux from eight experimental runs. Five different constant heat fluxes were used ranging from 45000 to 93000 Btu/hr. ft², in increments of approximately 12000 Btu/hr-ft². Scaling behavior was quantified by combining measured temperature and heat flux data to obtain corresponding local fouling factors. Fouling factors reflect changes in the overall heat transfer coefficient, and are proportional to the amount of accumulated scale. Plotting the fouling factors versus time showed that a typical plot was composed of three fouling periods. During an initial delay period the fouling factor remained constant, or increased relatively slowly. Following this period, the fouling factor increased much more rapidly, and did so linearly. During the final period, the fouling factor increased at a declining rate. During some experiments, portions of scale flaked off the heat transfer surface, causing discontinuities in the fouling curves. Delay periods following these flaking incidents were not generally observed. Though characterized by a consistent behavior pattern, the fouling data were not reproducible. To improve reproducibility in future studies, equipment and procedure modifications are suggested. Despite the scatter in the present data, there appears to be a relationship between heat flux and initial delay period.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 24-bit Color) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.

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