Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Assessing the sex education attitudes and skills of parents of church attending preadolescents

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  • Four instruments were developed to assess sex education attitudes and skills of parents. The Parental Perception of Preadolescent Child (PPPC), Parental Attitudes Toward the Sex Education of Children (PATSEC), Topic Checklist (TC) and Index of Challenging Questions for Parents of Preadolescents (ICQPP) provided measures on how parents perceive maturity and readiness for receiving information about sexual topics, and assessed a variety of parental sex education attitudes as well as competence, openness, and confidence in answering challenging questions from 9 - 12 year old children. After pretesting on a small sample of parents of preadolescents the instruments were then administered to a nonrandom parent sample of 65 residents of Linn and Benton Counties, Oregon. A majority of the 38 mothers and 27 fathers were married, college graduates, and attended church frequently. The questionnaire was administered at four Benton County churches. The four questionnaires and parental background data were analyzed by one and two way analysis of variance, Pearson Product Moment correlation, multiple and single response frequency tabulations, and a stepwise multiple regression test. Results indicated that parents held very positive attitudes toward the sex education of children and prefer being the primary source of information to them. Subjects were able to select the most developmentally appropriate response to children's challenging questions 75% of the time. The mean scores for fathers and mothers did not differ significantly in openness, attitude, or competence as measured on the TC, PATSEC, and ICQPP instruments. However, fathers were found to be more confident than mothers in responding to preadolescents' questions. A stepwise regression analysis showed a significant positive relationship between openness, competence and attitudes toward sex education of children. How mature a parent perceives a child to be was not significantly correlated to frequency of discussion on sexual topics. These findings were discussed and implications for providing sex education classes and parent-child discussion groups were made.
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Commencement Year
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Peer Reviewed
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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