Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

The effect of fats and urea on in vitro cellulose digestion

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  • Objectives of this study were to ascertain the effect of fat and urea, used alone or in combination, on rumen cellulose digestion in vitro. A closed in vitro system (24 hour digestion) was used with a 5 x 4 factorial arrangement of treatments to study the effect of added corn oil (5 and 7%) and tallow (5 and 7%) to wood cellulose (Solka- Floc) with four levels of urea (0, .234, 2.34 and 4.68%) expressed as percent of substrate. The addition of urea at the 2.34 and 4.68% levels increased dry matter disappearance (DMD)(P <.01) and production of: acetic acid (P<.05), propionic acid (P<.01) and total volatile fatty acids (TVFA)(P<.01). Addition of either corn oil or tallow (5 or 7%) resulted in a depression in DMD (P<.01). Adding tallow (5 or 7%) resulted in lower production of acetic acid (P<.05) and of propionic acid (P<.01). Addition of urea plus fat (any treatment) led to improved DMD, increased propionic acid and TVFA production (P<.01), compared to fat, no urea treatments. Ammonia-nitrogen values were higher (P<.01) when 7% tallow and 4.68% urea were added together, and this combination resulted in the lowest gross energy from VFA's. Microbial protein synthesis (MPS) was increased (P<.05) with the addition of 4.68% urea, while the addition of fat (any treatment) depressed MPS production (P<.01). No significant differences in MPS were found between corn oil and tallow treatments.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.

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