Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Prediction of abundance of harvestable Dungeness crab (Cancer magister)

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  • A method for predicting the harvest of commercial Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) one year in advance of the fishing season is described. The technique is based on the hypothesis that the relative abundance of sub-legal crabs one year is directly proportional to the harvest of legal crabs the following year. Sampling was conducted out of Newport and Astoria, Oregon from commercial fishing vessels during the 1971-72, 1972-73, and 1973-74 winter seasons. Specimens were captured with modified commercial pots designed to retain sub-legal as well as legal crabs. Over 7, 200 adult crabs were captured, of which 18 percent were legal males, 35 percent were sub-legal males, and 47 percent were females. Analysis of the relationship between the abundance of sub-legal crabs one year and the harvest of legal crabs the following year resulted in predictions of crab harvest for the 1973-74 and 1974-75 seasons at both ports, and for the entire state. By this method, crab harvest was underestimated at both ports; however, projected total harvest for the state was within 10-20 percent of the actual landings for the two seasons predicted.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 8-bit Grayscale) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.

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