Technical Report

Northwestern American plants

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  • Out of a need, frequently met by the writer and others, for quick reference to more detailed information concerning gross anatomy and life history stages of our Northwestern plant species than generally is to be found in or indeed is appropriate to any local flora, the following pages have been pre-pared as the first unit in a proposed series of illustrated studies of plant species native to Northwestern America. The opportunity to begin this work unfortunately coincided with the war and its necessarily induced travel limitations. This fact somewhat changed the method of pursuit though not the direction of the project. Since field work was restricted to gasoline-ration range, it was impossible in any case already begun to include all the species of a given genus, for some are widely scattered. Therefore, this first paper offers, of necessity, a more miscellaneous collection than was at first contemplated. It is hoped, however, that as further contributions are made, taxonomic units eventually can be segregated, and the uniformity of the earlier plan become visible. Again, travel restrictions have, in several cases, prevented completion of life-history data, since flowering and fruiting stages must be obtained at different seasons, and the second field trip was not forthcoming. Some of these are laid aside for completion under more favorable circumstances ; but others, such as the three species of Lilium, are retained here, in the hope that missing stages may be added later. Included in this paper is a revised consideration of the genus Boschniakia in the Northwest. This work was begun at the Gray Herbarium in 1930, and was supplemented later by field studies in Oregon. While some of the plants considered in the following pages have been illustrated by previous authors, others are figured here for the first time. All illustrations and descriptions were made from life ; and, in most cases, a com-parison of large numbers of specimens, both in the field and in the writer's garden, was possible. The names of colors used in the descriptions, when followed by (R), are those of Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.

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