Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

On the distribution of temperature and heat flow in arc melted ingots

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  • The use of consumable -electrode arc melting as a production technology is growing. An advantageous feature of the process is the avoidance of ingot contamination by soluble crucible materials. This is accomplished by the expedient of employing a chilled metal crucible. As might be expected, the thermal balance under these conditions is rather delicate and does not necessarily provide a favorable environment for solidification. Catastrophic imbalances can occur, but details including the effectiveness of various factors are mostly unknown. There is a need for more intelligent guidelines. Experience has provided several pertinent observations, some of which are quite superficial. The most meaningful data have resulted from studies of molten pool shapes and sizes and from measurements of heat flow through crucible walls. Overall experience, intuitively interpreted and supplemented, is sufficient nevertheless as a basis for a boundary -value treatment of the problem. A solution can be derived by a separation of variables using conventional differential equation methods. For a cylindrical ingot, the temperature varies as a Bessel Function of an argument proportional to the radius and as an exponential function of longitudinal position. Trial calculations using the problem solution seem to verify the general correctness of the result as compared with experience. The role and nature of solution parameters are also clarified, though not entirely resolved. It is revealed that the barrier to heat flow at the ingot -crucible surface has a prominent influence. Utility of the model embodied in the problem solution is readily demonstrated by considering a variety of contemporary questions about arc melting. It is hoped that utility can be enhanced by improvement of the model.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9050C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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