Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Conditions of Al, Fe, and Mg interlayer formation in montmorillonite and vermiculite

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  • The influence of pH (titration method) and of salt concentration and drying (drying method) upon the formation of synthetic AI, Fe, and Mg interlayers in montmorillonite and vermiculite was investigated. Interlayer formation was evaluated by X-ray diffraction measurements of basal spacings using a natural chlorite for comparison. The titration method was superior to the drying method with respect to aluminum, ferric iron, and magnesium interlayer formation. The various interlayers formed in montmorillonite by titration method were more stable than those produced in vermiculite. The most stable interlayers were made with magnesium and aluminum in montmorillonite by the titration method. The synthetic material, like the natural chlorite, did not show any expansion and exhibited practically no collapse after K treatment and heating to 300° and 550°C. In montmorillonite, aluminum interlayers were formed in both acid and alkaline media, but those produced when the OH/AI solution ratio was less than 1.00 and the pH less than 5.8 exhibited the greatest stability. When the OH/Al ratio exceeded 1.00, the interlayered montmorillonite exhibited a gradual expansion toward 17 A[superscript °] on solvation and partial collapse upon K treatment and heating. Magnesium interlayers were formed only in alkaline media at pH of about 10.0 Increase in pH produced a slight dissolution of magnesium interlayers. Ferric iron interlayers were also formed in both acid and alkaline media. They always exhibited expansion upon solvation with ethylene gIycoI. The material retained a basal spacing of approximately 14 A[superscript °] at 300°C. They showed also a slight resistance to collapse at 550°C. The diffraction patterns of Fe-interlayered materials exhibited broad basal spacings and plateaus compared to AI and Mg interlayers. In vermiculite, only magnesium interlayers showed stability after K saturation and K saturation plus heating at 300°C. However, this material showed no resistance to collapse at 550°C. Aluminum and iron interlayers did not show this degree of perfection, for they exhibited a partial collapse after K saturation, a slight resistance to collapse at 300°C, and no resistance at 550°C. Aluminum and ferric iron interlayers were formed in montmorillonite and vermiculite with one drying cycle.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using Capture Perfect 3.0 on a Canon DR-9050C in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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