Honors College Thesis

It's not about the school : a societal shift regarding higher education

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  • The idea of college needs to shift from being about going to a “good school” for any degree to "getting the right education” for what you want to do. I want to investigate why we should be giving access to career assessment and preferred learning tests at the middle school age. The state's 40-40-20 initiative and future Oregon employment trends support this thinking. Society's focus should be more about the skills someone possesses, and less about where the degree or certificate was earned. There is minimal life guidance for students once they have graduated, and many feel unprepared for a career and cheated out of their money if they didn’t have clear career goals prior to graduation. I propose a website that would make career goal planning easily accessible for all middle school students in Oregon, with the intent that if the website was created it could be distributed and utilized by career counselors. The website would include things such as personality tests, career aptitude tests, degrees offered at each Oregon university and college, and what careers those can lead to.
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