Graduate Project

Gender Discrimination in Education and Its Impact on Economic Growth: A Cross Country Panel Study

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  • Studies suggest that higher investment in human capital boosts economic growth by increased productivity. Education is considered to improve human capital, but it takes relatively long to achieve progress in education. Literacy of female population holds particular importance as it has both direct and indirect effect on growth. Apart from individual productivity, female literacy has positive effect on reducing fertility, improving health and nutrition of family and education of future generations. Using cross country data and panel regression, this study intends to explore how the gender gap in education at different levels of attainment affects GDP growth. This study found that female education, especially secondary education, is positively associated with economic growth. It found mixed results for the impact of gender gap on economic growth. In recent times, national development strategies of many countries have been expanded to focus on social development issues like health, education, environment and gender equality along with GDP growth. But, countries with very limited resources have to prioritize the investment policy. This study will be helpful for policymakers to redefine the budgetary policy to maximize the return in both monetary and non-monetary terms and thus address the persistent issues of poverty and inequality.
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