Technical Report

Next Steps for Building a Flexible and Robust Digital Preservation Infrastructure at Oregon State University Libraries & Press

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  • Oregon State University Libraries and Press (OSULP) has a long history of digitizing, creating, and curating digital objects. These objects include digital representations of unique items from the Special Collections and Archives Research Center (SCARC) such as the photographs, maps, manuscripts, audio, and video housed in Oregon Digital. The ScholarsArchive@OSU institutional repository contains student, faculty, and university affiliated research and publications such as theses and dissertations, student capstone projects, research articles, technical reports, university publications, datasets, and conference proceedings. OJS@OregonDigital publishes journals that are either only available in digital form (Forest Phytophthoras) or have widely dispersed and piecemeal analog holdings in libraries across the country (Journal of Transportation Research Forum back issues). Each of these repositories also include content from partners at, and outside of, OSU. In addition, SCARC has been collecting an increasing amount of born digital material as a regular component of its standard collection development work, and has likewise created a large volume of born digital content of its own as an outgrowth of its burgeoning oral history program. The libraries committed in the 2012-2017 strategic plan to the long term maintenance and preservation of this content, calling for the creation of a “robust and flexible digital preservation and curation infrastructure” and “a long-term preservation system for university scholarship and digital collections developed and curated by OSU Libraries and Press.” The purpose of this report is to describe the current state of the library’s digital preservation efforts and recommend next steps to ensure the long-term preservation of our digital objects. We talked with institutions that have a record of digital curation to learn about the tools they use and their processes. The report was reviewed and improved by staff involved in digital curation at OSULP. Recommendations are based on our background with and testing of the tools, the recommendations of peer libraries, and staff input. More information about the recommendations is available on pages 20-23 of this report.
  • Presented to the Library Administration, Management, and Planning Team (LAMP) on February 28, 2017.
  • Keywords: Digital preservation, Archivematica, MetaArchive
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