Conference Proceedings Or Journal

Introduction to the Fishery Performance Indicators

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  • The sustainability of fish stocks, fishery-derived income and well-being of dependent communities are interrelated and sustainable socio-ecological systems require an understanding of all three.  A newly developed evaluation tool addressing these three important facets of fishery systems is the Fishery Performance Indicators (FPIs). The FPIs were designed to associate fishery outcomes relating to sustainability, economics and the fishing community to enabling conditions and management approaches. This tool provides helpful insight to policy reform while also being applicable to data poor situations including data-poor fisheries such as those in developing countries and data-poor sectors such as the post-harvest sector. One hundred twelve fishery systems from around the globe have been assessed. Preliminary results suggest ecologically successful fishery systems tend to be correlated with economic success, indicating that conservation and economic objectives reinforce one another and suggests the potential for healthy fish stocks to support high levels of economic performance if appropriately managed. Access rights and harvest rights contributed positively to ecological and economic success, and to a weaker extent, community success. Analysis on the strength of the rights including measures of transferability, durability, flexibility and exclusivity indicates a positive correlation with ecological and economic success. The exclusivity of harvest rights was incrementally more important than other measures of strength in achieving ecological success. These results provide valuable insight for effective design and reform of rights-based programs. 
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Peer Reviewed
  • 097634324X

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