Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Performance of wood frame wall with thin shell ECC shear panel

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  • The overall goal of this study was to evaluate an alternative to traditional wood framed shear wall construction. This study introduced the innovative idea of using a water and seismic damage resistant, wood-concrete- composite (WCC) construction instead of an all-wood design. The WCC design consisted of a thin shell of engineered cementitious composite (ECC) cast in composite with a traditional wood frame. The WCC wall was evaluated with regards to structural performance during lateral loading, cost and damage sustained during lateral loading. The WCC test results were compared to a traditional wood frame wall with OSB sheathing. Data from the monotonic tests of the WCC walls show that the average maximum load was 47.5 kN (10700 lb), average elastic shear stiffness was 1.78 kN/mm (10200 lb/in) and the average energy absorbed was 4810 J (42600 lb-in). Overall, the test results indicate that the WCC is comparable with or superior to the OSB wall in regards to shear strength, shear stiffness, energy absorption and ductility. During lateral loading tests the WCC wall appeared to sustain less damage than the OSB wall. Panelized construction of the WCC system may increase overall project cost but could provide many additional benefits such as decreased construction time and greater durability. The WCC design appears to be a viable shear wall system that should be refined and fully tested for building code compliance.
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Peer Reviewed

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