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Review report on Columbia River and tributaries. Appendix A : Columbia River Basin in Canada
Creator: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Seattle District
Subject: no subjects specified
Fish Assemblages and Sizes Against Distance From Ocean and Other Factors in Yaquina Bay Estuarine Seagrass Beds
Creator: Nguyen, James W.
Subject: no subjects specified
Planning for Housing, Health & Equity; Use of Green Infrastructure, Low Impact Development, and Urban Forestry in the State of Washington
Creator: Cricchio, Kevin
Subject: no subjects specified
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Twenty OSU Press new releases are now available for the OSU community on ScholarsArchive. Titles include Cheese War: Conflict and Courage in Tillamook County, Oregon by sisters Marilyn Milne and Linda Kirk and Dead Wood: The Afterlife of Trees by Ellen Wohl.
You can see other OSU Press titles on ScholarsArchive here.
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