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Subject: Ocean wave power
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Large mammals and water quantities in one dry season in Mkomazi National Park, Tanzania
Creator: Keegan, Mark
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Trends and Factors Affecting Knowledge of and Stigma and Violence Towards Female Sex Workers in Morocco
Creator: Phatak, Gauri, Johnston, Lisa G., Khoudri, Ibtissam, El Rhilani, Houssine, El Kettani, Amina
Subject: no subjects specified
Modeling Transit Travel Times for Predicting Equity Improvements
Creator: Carleton, Phillip R., Porter J. David
Subject: no subjects specified
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Twenty OSU Press new releases are now available for the OSU community on ScholarsArchive. Titles include Cheese War: Conflict and Courage in Tillamook County, Oregon by sisters Marilyn Milne and Linda Kirk and Dead Wood: The Afterlife of Trees by Ellen Wohl.
You can see other OSU Press titles on ScholarsArchive here.
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