States. Agricultural Research Service, U., State University. Department of Crop Science, O., Young, W., Butler, M., Simmons, R., Weber, J., Ball, 1., Anderson, N., Mellbye, M., Silberstein, T., Walenta, D., Chastain, T., Corkery, A., Curtis, D., Fisher, G., Garbacik, C., Hulting, A., Mallory-Smith, C., Rao, S., Roerig, K., Clough, G., Hamm, P., Alderman, S., Roerig, G., Griffith, S., Mueller-Warrant, G., Whittaker, G., Darris, D., & Young-Mathews, A. (2012). 2011 Seed production research at Oregon State University, USDA-ARS cooperating. : Oregon State University. Dept. of Crop Science.