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Laboratory feeding tests on the development of gypsy moth larvae with reference to plant taxa and allelochemicals

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  • The first through fifth instars of the gypsy moth were tested for development to adults on 326 species of dicotyledonous plants in laboratory feeding trials. Among accepted plants, differences in suitability were documented by measuring female pupal weights. The majority of accepted plants belong to the subclasses Dilleniidae, Hamamelidae, and Rosidae. Species of oak, maple, alder, madrone, eucalyptus, poplar, and sumac were highly suitable. Plants belonging to the Asteridae, Caryophyllidae, and Magnoliidae were mostly rejected. Foliage type, new or old, and instar influenced host plant suitability. Larvae of various instars were able to pupate after feeding on foliage of 147 plant species. Of these, 101 were accepted by first instars. Larvae from the first through fifth instar failed to molt on foliage of 151 species. Minor feeding occurred on 67 of these species. In general, larvae accepted new foliage on evergreen species more readily than old foliage. The results of these trials were combined with results from three previous studies to provide data on feeding responses of gypsy moth larvae on a total of 658 species, 286 genera, and 106 families of dicots. Allelochemic compositions of these plants were tabulated from available literature and compared with acceptance or rejection by gypsy moth. Plants accepted by gypsy moth generally contain tanning, but lack alkaloids, iridoid monoterpenes, sesquiterpenoids, diterpenoids, and glucosinolates.
  • Published March 1994. Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog:
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  • Master files scanned at 600 ppi (256 Grayscale, 24-bit Color) using Capture Perfect 3.0.82 on a Canon DR-9080C in TIF format. PDF derivative scanned at 300 ppi (256 B&W, 24-bit Color), using Capture Perfect 3.0.82, on a Canon DR-9080C. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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