Conference Proceedings Or Journal

Pilot monitoring to investigate the usefulness of artificial reefs using vessel tracking technology and cloud computing: a case study in southern Portugal

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  • Artificial reefs (AR) were created not only to enhance biodiversity (namely by stimulating the increase of fish stocks), but also to attract diving tourism or sport fishing enthusiasts. Industry 4.0 tools – e.g., mobile technologies and cloud computing – can be used for AR monitoring purposes and can serve as an asset to assess their attractiveness and find usage patterns. The present work intends to understand the use of the AR Faro-Ancão (South of Portugal) by different types of vessels through an intelligent vessel location tool that works with remote sensing technology and satellite data. For seven weeks, twice a day, data transmitted by the Automatic Identification System (AIS) of vessels with transponder were collected from all vessels that occurred in the surroundings of the AR. In the results it was noticeable that recreational boats occur more frequently, but they are usually just on course. It is also frequent the presence of fishing vessels that show some patterns of use and that regularly stay in the vicinity. This means that the AR Faro-Ancão appears to be of greater value to fishing vessels, but there is a need to have a better understanding of how recreational vessels make use of the structures.
  • Keywords: Automatic Identification System (AIS), Fishing vessels, Industry 4.0, Patterns of Use, Recreational boats
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Conference Location
  • Vigo, Galicia, Spain
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