Conference Proceedings Or Journal

Economic repercussions of a landing obligation policy: The European Union case

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  • The PrimeFish project aims to improve the economic sustainability of the European fisheries and aquaculture sectors under the perspective of the sectorial participation. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. PrimeFish engages a large Industry Reference Group (IRG) that facilitates the access to data on specific cases and provides feedback on the outcomes. The innovative concept of shared value guides the relations with IRG and other relevant stakeholders. The PrimeFish project gathers data from individual production companies, industry and sales organisations, consumers and public sources covering fisheries, mainly cod and herring, but also aquaculture with salmon, trout, seabass and seabream. Specifically, the research will focus on enhancing the competitiveness and economic performance of companies including price development, supply chain relations and successful product innovation. In addition, the consumer behaviour and market trends are also included. As one of its main results, the project will offer a web-based interactive toolkit to support the decision making through the following features; (i) Success and failure stories; (ii) Competitive position analyser; (iii) Price development predictor; (iv) Value chain analyser; (v) Growth risk analyser (based on boom and bust cycles); (vi) Product success check. Through these outcomes, PrimeFish will back industrial stakeholders and decision-makers in the management of seafood production and innovation, and the comprehension of market dynamics. Therefore, the competitiveness of seafood companies will be enhanced while simultaneously advancing the economic and social conditions in the communities in which they operate.
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Fecha de Emisión
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Conference Location
  • Seattle, Washington, USA
Declaración de derechos
Peer Reviewed



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