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Challenges in Open Water Fisheries Management in Bangladesh

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  • Bangladesh, basically a floodplain consisting of extremely low and flat land, is endowed with enormous inland fishery resources that contribute a significant part of freshwater fish production. Yet only 8% of the catchment of the rivers that create this floodplain is in Bangladesh. The fisheries sector accounts for 10% of agricultural GDP, 3% of total GDP, 8% of total export earnings, 60% of animal protein intake and 7% of total protein intake. Fisheries in Bangladesh are divided into four distinct sub-sectors – open water capture fisheries, closed water aquaculture, coastal aquaculture, and marine fisheries. This paper covers the open water fishery and its management constraints. Floodplains in Bangladesh contain different types of waterbodies: character, e.g. flowing rivers, Beels (usually deeper depressions in the floodplains) mainly of two types open and closed, Haors - extensive low lying areas comprising several perennial Beels and mainly covering northeastern Bangladesh and Baors/Oxbow lakes or dead rivers that lost their connection with the main stream - these are situated mainly in southwestern Bangladesh. These complex waterbodies mean coordinated management is essential for addressing the common issues in a cluster of waterbodies as resources such as fish are highly migratory and move wherever water is connected. Complexity of different property rights in a cluster and diversity of users have had a cumulative adverse effect. Open water fisheries management in Bangladesh through community involvement is possible but there are different factors affecting progress. Distribution of benefit depends on the strength and appropriateness of the institutions, attitudes and social capital created under community based initiatives.
  • Keywords: community involvement, Aquaculture Economics and Management, Bangladesh, Fisheries Economics, Open water fisheries, challenges
  • Keywords: community involvement, Aquaculture Economics and Management, Bangladesh, Fisheries Economics, Open water fisheries, challenges
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  • Khan, A.K.M. 2004. Challenges in Open Water Fisheries Management in Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, July 20-30, 2004, Tokyo, Japan: What are Responsible Fisheries? Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2004. CD ROM. ISBN 0-9763432-0-7
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Peer Reviewed



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