
A Systematic Review of Diversity and Inclusion Scholarly Sources in Natural Resources (1919 – 2018)

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  • This dataset was created for the purpose of collecting and cataloguing sources that mentioned aspects of cultural diversity or workforce diversity within natural resource professions. The exploratory questions that prompted the collection of sources in this dataset were: - Is diversity discussed in scholarly sources within natural resources? - If so, how many sources discuss various aspects of diversity such as affirmative action and equal opportunity? - Where are these sources located? Are these sources easily accessible? - How long has diversity been discussed within scholarly sources in natural resources? This dataset is a compilation of sources derived from a systematic review of diversity and inclusion in natural resource professions. For the purpose of this dataset, natural resource professions include forestry, fisheries, wildlife, rangelands and natural resource management. To comprehensively review sources that focus on the shifting demographics in natural resources, other topics such as affirmative action, equal opportunity, cultural diversity, and workplace diversity were included. This dataset contains 261 sources that were collected from October 2018 through February 2019. Each source and citation are in English. The sources within this dataset range from 1919 to 2018. The types of sources in this dataset include peer reviewed journal articles, theses and dissertations, technical reports, annotated bibliographies, conference papers, editorials/opinion pieces, magazine articles, newspapers and newsletters. Sources were gathered from four disciplinary journals: Fisheries, Journal of Forestry, Rangelands, Wildlife Society Bulletin; and 3 bibliographic databases: Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Education Resources Information Center (ERIC). Data collection procedures were developed by Jasmine K. Brown and Hannah G. Rempel. Data collection procedures were informed by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Five literature search strategies were used during the systematic review: (1) bibliographic databases and journals (2) backwards hand searching by checking reference lists (3) google searches (4) forward handsearching (5) opportunistic finds that were not found systematically. The inclusion and exclusion criteria for this dataset were determined based on the type of source, topic, discipline, and focus on studies produced in the United States. The sources in this dataset were catalogued using Zotero. This dataset’s csv files and bibliographies were exported from Zotero. These csv files cannot be imported into Zotero or Mendeley but can be imported into Endnote. We have also exported the citation lists from Zotero using BibTex since this format can be imported into Zotero, Mendeley, Endnote and RStudio. Please note that each individual source pdf is not included in this dataset. The csv files can be opened using a text editor such as Notepad. For increased ease of reading, the csv files can be opened with Microsoft Excel or Google Docs. Additionally, we have included bibliographies for the 261 citations included in this dataset: 186 published sources and 75 unpublished sources.
  • Keywords: Forestry, Fisheries, Wildlife, Rangelands, Natural Resources, Natural Resources Management, Diversity and Inclusion, Systematic Review
Resource Type
Fecha Recogida
Fecha de Emisión
  • Brown, J. K., & Rempel, H. G. (2019). A Systematic Review of Diversity and Inclusion Scholarly Sources in Natural Resources (1919 – 2018) (Version 1) [Data set]. Oregon State University.
Academic Affiliation
Declaración de derechos
Funding Statement (additional comments about funding)
  • Partial Funding was provided by the US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Civil Rights Action Group (CRAG) Research for Underserved Communities Fund (RUCF)
Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Ongoing Research
Embargo date range
  • 2019-02-24 to 2021-09-02