Graduate Project

The symbolic work of modern homelessness services : experiences from users

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  • The question of “what is to be done” about the prevalence of houselessness in large US cities has become a top policy priority, Often left out of these discussions are the opinions of the unhoused about the policies that are designed to serve their needs. Most of the literature that exists in this field is ethnographic on the one hand, or else policy-focused on the other, and the purpose of this paper is to combine these two lenses to gain an understanding of both the meanings of provided homeless services and their efficacy for those who use them. By soliciting the opinions and the critiques of people experiencing homelessness, we can gain an understanding both of the efficacy of the programs made available, and also of the workings of symbolic power and how it is transmitted and reinforced – or in some cases challenged – by the institutions built to serve houseless people. In this way, I hope to bring the sociological understandings of social and symbolic power to bear on the policy space.
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