Graduate Project

Exploring Collaborative Strategies in Endangered Species Conservation: A Literature Review and Case Study of Upper Klamath Lake in Southern Oregon

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  • The Endangered Species Act (ESA) is one of the strongest pieces of legislation enacted for the protection of imperiled species in the United States but has often spurred controversy among resource users for its emphasis on species protection and recovery above all other resource uses. In recent years, the Section 7 provisions of the ESA have been suggested as a framework for collaboration between resource interests and wildlife management agencies. A literature review was conducted to explore the regulatory framework of the ESA and several concepts inherent to collaborative natural resource management. Implementation of the ESA by natural resource management agencies is used as a backdrop to understand the collaborative expectations and capabilities of stakeholders and explore perceived barriers to collaboration as reflected in several case studies and the perspectives shared by a range of natural resource professionals within the Upper Klamath Basin. Findings suggest that several barriers exist that may preclude more effective implementation of the ESA and the necessary collaboration between Klamath Basin stakeholder groups that must occur in the process. Moving forward, investigation into federal and private stakeholder needs would allow for more thorough assessments of perceived obstacles to collaborative efforts. Accomplishing this will allow for further recommendation of suggested practices for enhancing collaborative capabilities of the Klamath Basin’s state, tribal, and federal natural resource agencies and user groups.
  • Keywords: Water Resources, Klamath Basin, Endangered Species
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