Graduate Project

A Case Study of the Elk Creek Landscape Restoration Project

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  • Land management agencies are faced with decreasing budgets and staff, even as acres in need of restoration treatment are increasing. Rural communities in the West are still suffering from sharp declines in timber harvests since the 1990s and are now contending with wildfires that are increasing in size and severity. Landscape-level, partner-based collaborative projects have the potential to help with many of these issues. This report details a case study of the Elk Creek Landscape Restoration project implemented in southern Oregon from 2017 to 2022 by the U.S. Forest Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The project sought to mitigate risk from wildfire, restore watersheds, and put money and jobs back into the local and regional communities. Treatments included commercial timber harvest, vegetative thinning, hazardous tree removal, and underburning. In total, over 3500 acres were treated and $13 million dollars invested in the community. The Elk Creek Landscape Restoration Project is an example of a successful collaborative and multi-ownership project that can restore forest resiliency. There are lessons to be learned from both successes and obstacles encountered during the project that can be incorporated into future projects of this type. Primary among them, future efforts should seek to build collaborative relationships early, ensure adequate capacity within involved agencies, and plan around implementation constraints.
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