Graduate Project

Pushing the Boundaries: The Role of Oregon’s Green Chemistry Executive Order Advisory Team as a Boundary Organization

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  • The state of the environment, both from a preservation and toxicological point of view, is a continuing concern. One area of potential progress is the incorporation of green chemistry principles, which focus on reducing and eliminating harmful toxics in all aspects of industrial processes from the design and manufacturing to disposal of products. The incorporation of green chemistry principles presents a “wicked” policy problem, an issue involving social, environmental, and economic complexity that extends across political jurisdictions and traditional policy arenas (Allen, 2013). A critical part in addressing this wicked policy problem is including advisory groups of various experts and stakeholders. At the direction of Oregon’s recent Green Chemistry Executive Order, a multi-sector advisory team was formed in order to collaboratively address approaches to green chemistry implementation. This study explores the role of Oregon’s Green Chemistry Executive Order Advisory Team as a boundary organization, in an attempt to better understand the facilitation of academia-industry-government interactions by examining data gathered from interviews with the team’s members, and to identify the strengths and potential improvements in the early stages of green chemistry-supporting policy through content analysis of green chemistry reports and recommendations.
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