Graduate Project

Adapting Wastewater Treatment Plants to Sea Level Rise: A Case Study of Half Moon Bay, California

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  • Wastewater treatment plants around the world are becoming increasingly at risk of sea level rise impacts as these facilities are typically located in low-lying areas to utilize gravity flow for influent (incoming sewage) and effluent (discharged treated sewage). As these risks become realized, treatment plant managers and decision-makers must know when and how to adapt their facilities in order to ensure that this critical service goes uninterrupted and undamaged. This capstone project explores the anticipated timing of projected sea level rise, the array of impacts that sea level rise can cause to wastewater treatment plants, and a range of adaptation strategies for the Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) wastewater treatment plant in Half Moon Bay, California. At only 15-20 feet elevation and partially surrounded by creeks, the SAM plant is currently at risk of groundwater inundation and creek flooding during major storm events and is expected to be subject to marine flooding with an anticipated 6.6 feet of sea level rise and an annual storm event as soon as the year 2080. Adaptation solutions including protection, accommodation, and relocation strategies are analyzed based on their estimated costs and likelihood of success considering the site-specific risks posed to the SAM plant to provide decision-makers with economically informed options. Nature-based solutions for sea level rise adaptation are both strongly preferred by regulatory agencies and more suitable for the SAM plant due to the surrounding sensitive habitat, including the riparian corridors, dune scrub, and coastal marsh. A phased approach will be most successful for addressing short and long-term risks of sea level rise and preparing for the financial investment of such improvements.
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