Graduate Project

The connector : Macintosh to UNIX communication

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  • This research solves the problem of connecting a Macintosh to a Unix machine and presenting the Macintosh Desktop to Unix. Unix Files can be viewed. copied. renamed and opened in the same manner as Macintosh files. Unix programs and shell commands can be defined and attached to Macintosh menus and icons. thus allowing them to be launched from this user friendly environment. The output from these remote processes can be viewed in a Macintosh window and Macintosh applications can be run without switching contexts. Unix shell command options are entered using Macintosh dialogs. thus preserving the "look and feel" of the- Desktop metaphor. even though the underlying operating system is Unix. The problem has two subproblems: 1) networking and ii) interfacing the graphical interface on the Macintosh with the textual command interpreter of Unix. Our research demonstrates that smooth transition between a Macintosh and a Unix machine is possible. The research also shows desired enhancements required to further reduce the differences between the two metaphors we are trying to integrate.
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