Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

A comparison of verbal responses of anglo-migrant and anglo-resident children

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  • The study compares the differences in verbal responses between 39 Anglo-resident and 32 Anglo-migrant children in the first grade in selected school districts in Oregon. The children were tested for I. Q. using the Goodenough Draw- A-Man test. They were grouped for comparison purposes by age, sex, and by migrancy or residency. The children were shown 12 pictures from the Davis-Eels Games, and asked to "tell about the picture. " The responses were tape recorded, transcribed, and compiled for interpretation. Males and females, residents and migrants, and older and younger children were compared for differences in: 1) vocabulary (according to Dolch Hard and Easy Word Lists); types of sentences (structure); and 3) for the number and length of sentences (as determined by morpheme count). The study also compared the relationship between general ability as measured by the Goodenough Draw-A-Man test and verbal responses for both groups. Using the analysis of variance technique, significant differences were recorded for the Dolch Easy and Total Dolch Words Lists favoring males over females and residents over migrants. There were five sentence structure patterns out of a possible 53 which showed significant differences. On these five sentence structures, there were significant differences favoring males over females, residents over migrants, and older children over younger children, There were significant differences favoring males over females and residents over migrants, and older children over younger children with reference to the length of sentences used and the number of sentences used to describe various pictures. The most significant result of the study, aside from verifying that there are differences between migrants and residents in verbal responses, is the consistent difference favoring boys over girls. This appears to be the result of the materials used to elicit the verbal responses. The study indicates that perhaps what is presented, and how it is presented, may be more important than any other consideration in terms of stimulating verbal responses.
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Peer Reviewed
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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