Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Does the Source of the Conflict Impact the Effectiveness of River Basin Organizations?

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  • The success or failure of river basin organization (RBO), when they deal with disputes, might rely on the source of conflict along with other factors such as institutional design, legal attributes and conflict resolution mechanism of the organization. However, little attention has been paid to the research which studies a direct causal relationship between the source of the water conflicts and how those disputes were addressed by RBOs. This thesis analyzed the impact of the sources of conflict on the success or failure of RBOs when dealing with disputes over shared water resources. Moreover, it also attempted to identify which source is the most difficult to handle for RBOs. The conflict resolution framework of Erik Mostert (Mostert, 1998) was chosen as the conceptual model while the literature review and statistical analysis were the main methods for this analysis. Initially, the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied to examine whether the source of the water disputes might influence how RBOs successfully handle those conflicts or not. Furthermore, the contrasts test was carried out to identify the most intense source of the conflict which is the most difficult to address for RBOs. Finally, a Web of Science (WoS) search using the keywords was conducted to analyze the five main sources of conflict and to examine what the existing research claims about the intensity of those major sources. The statistical analysis seemed to suggest that the intensity of the conflict may differ depending on the source of disputes and the conflicts related to infrastructure / development are the most difficult to handle for RBOs. The WoS search results seemed to confirm that water quantity issues outnumbered other sources of conflicts.
  • Keywords: RBO, conflict, water quantity, water quality, hydropower, infrastructure, economic development, conflict resolution.
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Peer Reviewed
File Extent
  • 74 pages



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