Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Effect of trellis type and canopy location on yield components, fruit composition, shoot morphology, leaf gas exchange, and the dynamics of storage carbohydrates in Pinot noir grapevines

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  • Five trellis types were compared during 1996 and 1997 for their effect on Pinot noir yield components, fruit composition, fruit set, shoot morphology, leaf gas exchange, and trunk carbohydrate storage. These trellis systems were: upright vertical, cane pruned (double Guyot); upright vertical, spur pruned (bilateral cordon); Scott Henry, cane pruned; Lyre, cane pruned; and Geneva Double Curtain (GDC), cane pruned. In 1996, the double canopy systems had almost double the yield of the single canopy systems. There were no differences in yield or its components in 1997 among the five trellis systems. The bilateral cordon had a higher leaf area index than did the other systems. There were no differences in juice soluble solids, pH, or titratable acidity (TA) among the different trellis systems in either year. Also, there were no differences seen between the two canopies of the double canopy trellis systems in either year. There were no differences in sugar or starch concentrations in the trunk wood among the five trellis systems at any sample date. Sugar concentration in the trunk was highest during leaf fall and lowest at bloom on a dry weight basis. Starch concentration in the trunk was highest during dormancy and lowest during leaf fall and bud burst. Trunk volume was highest in the GDC and lowest in the Guyot. There was a negative correlation between most yield components and the carbohydrate concentration at bud burst. Leaf photosynthesis was strongly correlated with berry weight and skin anthocyanin content. In a separate study, yield components, fruit composition and wine quality of fruit generated in both curtains of the Scott Henry system were analyzed. In 1996, the bottom canopy had higher yield, cluster weight, more clusters per shoot and a higher TA than did the top canopy. Must soluble solids were not affected by vine canopy or sun orientation in 1996, but pH was lower and TA was higher in the bottom canopy. In 1997 the top canopy had a higher yield than did the bottom canopy. There were no canopy or orientation effects on leaf gas exchange, leaf area, shoot diameter, or intemode length. Wine from the top canopy was found to have more red color than wine from the bottom canopy.
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