Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Analysis of the state of development of adult education in Nigeria : suggestions for future action

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  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the state of development of adult education in Nigeria. The major objectives were to review the state of development of Nigerian adult education programs, assess the overall effectiveness of these programs, and utilize the findings to suggest action for future program improvement. A questionnaire was administered by mail to the Permanent Secretaries of the Ministry of Education in the States and to the heads of education departments of universities in Nigeria. The Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance (W) and the Kruskal-Wallis (H) Tests were used to test the null hypotheses. Differences were assessed at the .01 level of significance. From the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Facilities, equipment, and other instructional materials in the Nigerian adult education program are perceived as inadequate. 2. The most important impact of adult education was to induce more children to attend school. 3. The Ministry of Education is perceived as the most influential agency for adult education in the country. Other ministries are perceived as having little influence in adult education. 4. The majority of the adult education teachers have no qualifications beyond the First School Leaving Certificate. Additionally, they have not been given the training needed for the efficient work with adult learners. 5. Religious institutions are perceived as most effective and influential, while the Red Cross, Y.M.C.A. and other similar agencies have limited influence and limited programs for adults. On the basis of the findings of the study, the following recommendations are suggested. It is recommended that: 1. This study be used as a pilot study and that more intensive research be done on the development of adult education in Nigeria. 2. The universities and other institutions of higher learning take a more active part in adult education. Training, research, counseling, extension services, and other essential services should be established for the advancement of adult education. 3. A coherent curriculum of adult education be developed that provides for the sequential development of the knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes, and values required to maintain one's effectiveness in a changing Nigerian society. 4. More funds be provided for adult education. The government should play a major role in this. 5. More incentives be created for people who want to get involved with adult education. 6. All adult education plans and programs be periodically reviewed and evaluated. 7. Pre-service and in-service training be expanded for all of those employed in the adult education field. 8. All programs of adult education be required to clarify their program objectives and participate in the development of inter-agency working agreements to insure that the resources of adult education are used effectively in meeting the adult educational needs of individuals, institutions, and communities. 9. There be a national commitment to provide the resources and philosophical support necessary for the development of lifelong learning as an integral element of the Nigerian way of life. 10. The government ministries, universities and other agencies and organizations in the country should emulate the religious institutions who have demonstrated an effective approach to program development and delivery.
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