Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Open Innovation and Corporate Foresight: Practices in Equipment and Technology Suppliers to the US Forest Sector

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  • Equipment and technology suppliers to the US forest sector are confronting challenges and opportunities to meet the need for disruptive changes in an increasingly complex business environment. Open innovation is crucial for survival and success in the complex and changing operational environment due to its inherent openness and interdisciplinary nature. These suppliers are recognized as having especially large innovation potential. Accelerating open innovation in these suppliers may be a key step on the path towards improved open innovation in the US forest sector through collaboration. Integrating corporate foresight with open innovation will contribute to enhanced competitiveness of these equipment and technology suppliers in the complex business context. Little work has been done to provide analysis and insights on the current maturity levels of Open Innovation (OI) and Corporate Foresight (CF) practices among these suppliers, nor on the relationship between them. This study uses data from a questionnaire-based study to investigate the reality of OI and CF activities that are applied by equipment and technology suppliers to the US forest sector. The focus is to analyze OI and CF capabilities in their management practices. This analysis is the first study that describes the current state of OI and CF practices of equipment and technology supplying companies to the US forest sector. It sheds light on potential research regarding future corporate foresight and innovation management studies in the forest sector. The results indicate the OI maturity level in these suppliers is positively correlated with their CF maturity level, especially CF organization maturity level. Open innovation and CF maturity levels do not differ significantly between large firms and SMEs, among these suppliers.
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Peer Reviewed
Embargo reason
  • Pending Publication
Embargo date range
  • 2021-03-24 to 2023-04-25



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