Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Determination of cutting forces with asymmetric wedged blades

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  • Cutting operations using blades appear in several different industries such as food processing, surgical operations, gardening equipment, and so forth. As our society continues to increase our technological prowess, there is an ongoing need to better understand the underlying causes of simple tasks such as cutting so that cutting operations can be performed with more precision and accuracy than ever before. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the effects of wedge angle and offcut thickness while including slicing motions. The approach taken in this paper is to create a novel test machine that properly captures the motions typically seen in cutting operations and to create an analytical model to help explain what is seen in the experiments. Data collected by this device is used to investigate the effects of the slice to push ratio, wedge angle, and offcut thickness on cutting force. The analytical model presented in this paper looks at slice to push in a 3D approach to better capture the cutting process than previous attempts in the literature. The experimental data and derived equations shown in this body of work helps to illustrate the effect of wedge angle and offcut thickness while including relative motion of the blade edge to the work material. Both show that an increase in the slice to push ratio decreases the vertical cutting force and increases the horizontal cutting force. This relationship essentially lowers the overall resultant cutting force when there is an increase in the slice to push ratio. The effect of the slice to push ratio is similar at all wedge angles and offcuts tested, which indicates that increasing the slice to push ratio will always decrease the cutting force regardless of the wedge angle or offcut thickness.
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Peer Reviewed



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