Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

An evaluation of using the spiral model to teach media at Oregon State University

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  • A decade after the School of Education at Oregon State University adopted a spiral model of curriculum for teacher education, a study was conducted to determine if Instructional Media, one thread of that model, was spiralled in the curriculum. A survey was conducted of graduating seniors, using a questionnaire to determine if media is taught in a spiral model. Topics were chosen for the questionnaire from the topics in the ED 309 and ED 406 Media Competency course syllabus. The topics chosen for the questionnaire were microcomputer, 16mm film projector, slide projector and 35mm SLR camera overhead projector and transparencies, audio tape recorder and video tape recorder and lettering and design. A computer program was used to help evaluate the data collected. Graphs were constructed from the student answers. Topic one, the microcomputer was only recently introduced into the curriculum and from students' responses showed little evidence of spiralling. In topic two, use of the 16mm film projector and films, spiralling occurred in thirty percent of the sample. In topic three, slide projectors and programs very few of the students spiralled, fourteen percent. Topic four, the use of overhead projectors and transparencies, spiralling was present in thirty-eight percent of the sample. In the fifth topic, reel to reel audio tape recorders and video tape recorders, twenty-four percent of the students were seen to spiral. The last topic surveyed, lettering and design, fourteen percent of the student answers indicated that topic was spiralled. From the results of this study, and comments of the students, recommendations for improving the curriculum have been made.
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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