Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

Hygiene of the School-oom; with Special Reference to the Diseases of the Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat

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  • The education of the child should consist of the organization of acquired habits of action and tendencies to behavior which shall fit him for the world in a social and physical sense. The subject of social effect is often dwelt upon with great length and detail, which to often the physical well-being of the child is overlooked. Of how much value is a giant mind in a dwarfed body? Often mental disease is caused by impaired physical strength. If this lessening of physical activities is the result of efforts being entirely concentrated on the cultivation of the mind at the expense of the body, the process is at fault. The subject of school hygiene will be viewed from the standpoint of the young teacher, who is too often ignorant of her responsibility in regard to the health of the children who are under her direct control for practically forty hours each week. This time includes those waking hours that are most impressionable, and the attention both given and received in school will have much influence in the division of the remainder of the time. This being true, it is essential that the teacher possess the highest of moral and intellectual attainments, vigorous moral stamina, physical qualifications, and mental superiority. Thus armed, the teacher is able to analyze and guard the physical condition of her pupils from a psychological and scientific standpoint.
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Fecha Disponible
Fecha de Emisión
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Commencement Year
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Peer Reviewed
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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