Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Administrator and vocational educator perceptions regarding summer vocational agriculture program activities

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  • The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) the ideal vocational agriculture summer program activities as perceived by teacher educators and state supervisors nationwide, and 2) if there were differences in perceptions towards vocational agriculture summer program activities among selected groups impacting vocational agriculture programs in the state of Oregon, as compared to the ideal summer activities program for the nation. A three section survey questionnaire was developed as the data collection instrument. Section I of the instrument sought the perceptions of all groups toward 38 summer program activities. Section II of the instrument asked the perceptions of all groups as to the number of days currently being allocated and the number of days which ideally should be allocated to the vocational agriculture summer program. Section III was used to collect demographic data from the respondents. The questionnaire was mailed with a cover letter to eight groups totaling 423 individuals who impacted vocational agriculture summer programs. These groups included teacher educators and state supervisors nationwide. From the state of Oregon, the groups were regional coordinators, vocational directors, advisory committee chairpersons, superintendents, principals, and vocational agriculture teachers. Results revealed ten quality indicators of an ideal vocational agriculture summer program. They were: 1) attend annual summer update conference, 2) supervision of vo-ag students' home projects (SOE), 3) visit prospective vo-ag students and parents, 4) supervision of agricultural cooperative work experience students (CWE), 5) provide individualized instruction to students, 6) vacation/family, 7) maintain communication with school administration, 8) supervision of land lab/greenhouse facilities used by students, 9) develop future SOE/CWE sources, and 10) supervision and planning FFA activities. The number of days to be allocated to the ideal vocational agriculture summer program was identified as 50 days. The 50-day vocational agriculture summer program activities should be distributed in four major categories: 1) supervised occupational experience, 2) FFA, 3) teaching/recruitment, and 4) professional growth activities.
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Peer Reviewed
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  • File scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6770A in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 5.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR.



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